PRP For Hair Regrowth

PRP For Hair Regrowth

Fuller hair, naturally…

Our Special Treatment

PRP for Hair Regrowth

Harness your own body’s power to regenerate using platelet rich plasma (PRP) treatment for hair regrowth.  Platelets in blood contain numerous growth factors to help restore and regenerate healthy cells, including to promote growth of thicker, denser hair.  Use of PRP for hair growth treatment involves drawing a patient’s own blood into specialized Eclipse PRP tubes, then spinning it in a centrifuge to isolate the platelet rich plasma layer.  This layer is then drawn up into syringes and injected into the scalp by a physician.

Promising Results for Thinning Hair

While still a relatively new treatment, use of PRP for scalp injection has shown considerable promise for increasing hair thickness in those experiencing thinning due to non-scarring causes, especially androgenic alopecia (male or female pattern hair loss).  Early studies suggest that a series of PRP injections of the scalp may result in 10-35% increase in hair density by one year.  A typical course of treatment may involve 3-4 monthly treatments initially followed by maintenance treatments 2-4 times per year.

Safe and Efficient Procedure

The procedure poses few risks, but these may include pain, bruising, swelling, tingling, numbness or, rarely, infection.  Patients should not receive this treatment if they have known cancer or infection in the blood.  Medications such as aspirin, ibuprofen, naproxen, fish oil, and vitamin E may increase bruising and patients may wish to stop these prior to treatment.  Blood thinners or other medications prescribed by a physician should not be stopped without consulting your doctor.  We recommend patients come to PRP appointments well hydrated to facilitate the blood draw.  Total procedure time is typically about 20 minutes.

For more information

The Benefits of PRP for Hair Growth

Benefits of PRP for hair growth include:

  • Increased blood supply to the follicles.
  • Increased shaft size (thickness) of the hair.
  • Triggers and maintains the growth phase so scalp retains hair longer.
  • Regulates hair growth cycle.
  • Decreases hair shedding.

Maximizing Results: Combining PRP with Other Treatments

Better, longer lasting results are often seen when hair growth is maintained by combining PRP with other treatments such as topical minoxidil (e.g., Rogaine) or Theradome light helmet. 

The Theradome Pro utilizes cold laser and red light technology to stabilize hair follicles and promote new hair growth in the comfort of your own home with no discomfort or down time. Results are seen with 20 minutes of use a mere twice weekly. See their website for more on the science and results( The Theradome Pro is available through Dawes Fretzin Dermatology.

Unfortunately, insurance companies do not cover PRP treatments.

PRP Hair Regrowth F.A.Q.s

Though PRP hair treatment involves multiple injections into the scalp and is therefore somewhat painful, most patients find it quite tolerable.  No specific numbing treatment is generally required, although a topical numbing cream may be applied an hour before your visit if desired and may decrease pain somewhat.

Prior to your procedure, we do recommend hydrating with lots of water to maximize your blood draw and eating to avoid lightheadedness.  Afterwards, there are no limitations on your activity.  We recommend a warm shower with gentle scalp massage later that day.  While pain following the procedure is usually minimal, ibuprofen or acetaminophen may be taken for discomfort.  Sleeping with your head slightly elevated may help if swelling is noted.

Regrowing hair takes patience.  It can take up to 6 months to see results in some.

As with most hair regrowth options, PRP injections work best in areas where hair is already present but merely needs thickening.  Smooth bald patches, especially if present for years, are not likely to improve.  While PRP can increase the numbers of terminal hair visible, it works in part by reversing the miniaturization seen in androgenic alopecia, the most common cause of hair loss. Men and women both respond to PRP injections.


Treatment Pricing

PRP for Hair consultations require a General Dermatology appointment.